NASA will be performing network maintenance on Monday, March 10, 2025, between 10:00 AM EDT and 10:30 AM EDT (14:00 to 14:30 UTC). There will be a few periods of disruption. This will result in the of the unavailability of the SGP website during these periods. If you experience problems outside this window, contact

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Monumentation at GGAO

Over 25 precisely surveyed monuments are located at GGAO. Many of these monuments are used as a measurement point of reference for the geodetic systems housed at GGAO.

The monument known as "SOUTH GEOS PIER".

The monument known as "SOUTH GEOS PIER"

A close-up photo of the markers on the SOUTH GEOS PIER.

A close-up photo of the markers on the SOUTH GEOS PIER.

Calibration piers have also been installed at various locations around GGAO. These piers are used by the SLR systems to calibrate the laser measurements prior to and after satellite passes are tracked.

SLR calibration pier.

SLR calibration pier.

A close-up view of a corner cube mounted on one of the calibration piers used by the SLR systems at GGAO.

A close-up view of a corner cube mounted on one of the calibration piers used by the SLR systems at GGAO.

Various reference monuments are also installed at GGAO and are utilized for visiting systems and general surveys.

One of the reference monuments at GGAO. The MV-3 system and GODE GPS monument can be seen in the background.

One of the reference monuments at GGAO. The MV-3 system and GODE GPS monument can be seen in the background.

A close-up view of the reference monument shown in the photograph to the left.

A close-up view of the reference monument shown in the photograph to the left.